Gaming, Software


Every now and then I come across something that I can’t believe someone has taken the time to write.

In this case, it’s a DOS emulator for the Nintendo DS, the DSx86.

As if there weren’t enough options for extending the DS (homebrew, NES emulation), one man has taken it upon himself to write a DOS emulator for the DS. It will run most games that run on a 286/386, with some caveats. Not all the opcodes have been written in yet, and sound blaster support requires a little bit of finesse. But it’s under active development, which is exciting.

You load a game the same way you did back in the day… from the command line. Since the DS doesn’t have a keyboard, DSx86 includes one for you on the touch screen. It’s hilariously adorable.

Once the game is loaded you can either continue to use the “keyboard” or swap screens so that your game is shown in the touchscreen and you can use the stylus as a mouse. Holding down left/right on the d-pad to click took a bit of getting used to. There’s also a tap-to-click mode, but I found it difficult to use for gaming. It was a good illustration of how programs not designed for a touchscreen can be infuriating to use on one. Because most DOS games run at a slightly larger resolution than the DS, you have the option of either panning or resizing the screen. I found panning to be the most useful, and all it really cut off was the title/menu bar at the top.

Seeing the old Sierra logo along with the MIDI-tastic intro music on the DS was ridiculous and awesome. I’m just about finished my 20th or so lifetime play through of The Island of Dr. Brain. If you’re dying to take some of your old DOS games with you (you did save them all, right?) , check the compatibility list and give DSx86 a try.


3D Modeling by Numbers: Learn to use OpenSCAD

Want to learn to create 3D models, but find the user interface for most 3D modeling programs too infuriating? OpenSCAD may be for you! And we’re  teaching a class on how to use it on Sunday, June 27!

OpenSCAD is “The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeler.” Rather than learn tricky user interfaces and navigate seemingly endless obscure menus, OpenSCAD uses a simple scripting language to generate 3D models from either existing or new 2D drawings. We’ll start in 2D (great for creating designs for the laser cutter) and move into 3D modeling (perfect for MakerBot!).

A basic understanding of computer programming is helpful but not required. Sign up at EventBrite today!

Programming, Software

Fixed: WordPress MU Uploaded Image Display Issues

Just a quick fix for something I couldn’t discount cialis without prescription find earlier:

If you’re on shared hosting which has PHP’s safe_mode enabled, you may run into problems with uploading images. Specifically, you can upload images just fine (assuming you’ve configured uploads correctly) but can’t see uploaded files. This is the case on NearlyFreeSpeech.Net (where my sites are hosted), and probably a few other hosts as well.

WordPress MU uses some .htaccess & PHP tomfoolery to obfuscate the real file path (among other things). Because safe_mode checks to see if the UID/GUIDs match on file_exists(), the script that fetches the images will fail and return a 404. Which is to say, the owner/group of the uploaded file is web/web (or whatever your server’s web user is), but since I manually uploaded the WPMU files originally, those are me/me. Since me != web, it failed. WordPress took this to mean the file was absent and returned 404.

On NearlyFreeSpeech, adding wp-content/blogs.php to the ‘web’ group was all it needed.



Now that I have a few more runs worth of data, I was able to pick a little bit of information out of the miCoach binaries.

There are 40 EXRCS001.BIN files on the device (after the data has been unpacked), each one corresponding to an individual workout. This means you can store up to 40 workouts before you need to sync the device again. Knowing that, I had a bit of a better idea what I was looking at.

The miCoach pacer records various data points periodically – every few seconds as far as I can tell. The record length for these data points is 14 bytes. So far we have:
0x1E – row number, increments one each row
0x21 – distance
0x23 & 0x24 – Not sure exactly what the values are, but these dropped to 0 at a point where I paused the pacer and the miCoach graph shows a stride/pace of 0
0x25 – stride rate
0x26 – same situation as 0x23 and 0x24
0x27 – heart rate
0x28 – Not sure what this is, but it’s the same for each row
0x29 – time in. I think this is in seconds, but I’m not sure. It goes up by 5 each record.

At the start of the file, from 0x07 to 0x10, is a bunch of data that I suspect to be the date but haven’t figured out an obvious format. For my workout on 5/20/2010 9:58am, the hex values are 01 5A 4F B4 3C A7 53 B4 3C 24 8C

Yay progress!

Programming, Software

Importing Data from Magento to PrestaShop

Today I gave up on Magento. It’s a powerful piece of software but it’s still pretty rough around the edges, and the UI and architecture makes it a pain to dive in and debug if something goes wrong. It’s built on Zend, so someone who has spent more time with Zend than I have would probably have an easier go of it.

Anyway, I’m moving over to PrestaShop, and don’t want to lose all my customer and order information. Since I managed to trash my Magento installation, I’m migrating the data over manually via an exciting series of MySQL queries. I’m posting them here in case anyone else needs them.

This data is then imported into PrestaShop using the built in import tool. They have a fairly easy to use interface for assigning columns in the CSV to various PrestaShop information (name, address, etc).

Getting the customer’s ID, name, and email address:

SELECT DISTINCT ce.entity_id AS b, email, 'default_password', (

SELECT value
FROM customer_entity_varchar
WHERE attribute_id =7
AND customer_entity_varchar.entity_id = b
) AS l_name, (

SELECT value
FROM customer_entity_varchar
WHERE attribute_id =5
AND customer_entity_varchar.entity_id = b
) AS f_name, 1
FROM `customer_entity` AS ce
JOIN customer_entity_varchar AS cev ON ce.entity_id = cev.entity_id

You’ll notice I select the string ‘default_password’. This is just to generate a column of dummy password data. I haven’t thought of any creative ways to migrate the password data, and instead am just resetting it. The downside is that users will have to request a new password in order to log in. You should not use default_password as the actual string, for reasons I hope are obvious.

Get the address books:

SELECT DISTINCT 'Home', cae.entity_id AS b, 

(select email from customer_entity where entity_id = parent_id) as email,

FROM customer_address_entity_int as mm1 join directory_country_region as mm2 on mm1.value = mm2.region_id
WHERE mm1.attribute_id =27
AND mm1.entity_id = b
) AS state,
SELECT value
FROM customer_address_entity_varchar
WHERE attribute_id =25
AND entity_id = b
) AS country,
SELECT value
FROM customer_address_entity_varchar
WHERE attribute_id =24
AND entity_id = b
) AS city,
SELECT value
FROM customer_address_entity_varchar
WHERE attribute_id =18
AND entity_id = b
) AS f_name,
SELECT value
FROM customer_address_entity_varchar
WHERE attribute_id =20
AND entity_id = b
) AS l_name,
(SELECT value
FROM customer_address_entity_text
WHERE attribute_id =23
AND entity_id = b
) AS addre1,
(SELECT value
FROM customer_address_entity_varchar
WHERE attribute_id =28
AND entity_id = b
) AS postcode

FROM `customer_address_entity` AS cae
JOIN customer_address_entity_varchar AS caev ON cae.entity_id = caev.entity_id

Getting the order data over is another beast, one which I’ll tackle another day. There’s a convenient importer for products, but unfortunately the individual order data will have to be migrated painfully via SQL.